Tea Tuesday: Prickly Pear Perfection

Prickly Pears are one of the strangest fruits on this list, but they pack some very useful benefits! Pricklypears

Prickly Pears, in case you didn’t know, are the fruits of the Nopales cacti. They are found all over north and south America and prefer more desert-like climates. The cacti itself has a ton of benefits, but we’re only going to focus on the fruit today.

The Prickly Pear contains a high amount of nutrients, including high levels of vitamin C, B-family vitamins, magnesium, potassium, calcium, copper, and dietary fiber. In terms of organic compounds, prickly pears have high levels of flavonoids, polyphenols, and betalains, all of which have a positive impact on human health. (Organic Facts)

Dried-prickly-pear-wild-prickly-pear-dried-fruit-premium-organic-prickly-pear-tea-250g-c-3This makes Prickly Pear a great immune system booster, and it can also help with cancer prevention, digestive issues, and heart heath. it’s also a great source of antioxidants, which helps with skin care, premature aging, brain function, and a whole lot of other things. Who knew such a random fruit would hold such amazing possibilities!
Most teas are made from the dried fruit or juice of the fruit, but harvesting and cleaning your own Prickly Pears can a bit of a challenge for first timers. For detailed instructions on making your own juice and syrup, check out Low Sodium Blog or Mother Earth News. Or, if you’re more like me and don’t really have time to find and make your own, you can buy the juice or tea from Maya TeaArizona Cactus Ranch, or Amazon.

And the juice can be made into much more than tea! For some other drink ideas, check out DesertUSA.

Have you ever tried a prickly pear? Tell us about it in the comments below!

Photos came from Organic Facts and Here.

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